“There’s An App For That”

Josh and I sat on beach for the sunset and as twilight came I noticed a huge star and asked what it was. He didn’t know but said, “There’s an app for that.”

I went out on my phone, downloaded SkyView and aimed my phone up at the sky. By that time it was getting darker…and this is what the app showed me. Not only did I see the big star (or planet)…it showed the whole constellation of Scorpio (we are both Scorpios) and then…As the evening went on, I watched a satellite float through it.


It’s my new favorite app. We are such an integral part of this vast universe. Kind of puts things into perspective. It’s amazing to see how quickly these constellations change in the sky. As a city girl from Los Angeles,

I never see all the stars in the sky.


San Diego Ballet Fundraiser

14681058_10209797950081264_1493649136789007782_oWe had a WONDERFUL time at the fundraiser for the San Diego Ballet…

Thank you, Susan Lowrance for inviting us!!

14633643_10209823496679913_3360688616954291096_oAnd I got to see my DEAR old friend, Lesley Ann Warren, the amazing actress who started in ballet and studied with Balanchine.

14715103_10209797949961261_7236732691930169807_oShe was the guest of honor. We had so much girly-giggles and joy at seeing each other again. We met doing Gone With The Wind at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion (She was Scarlett and I was Melanie) and we have had “bff photos” taken almost every year since then…

Except for the last few years.

14715656_10209797951041288_8793558156057747246_oI’ll dig a few up when I get home.

The beauty is how exquisite life is.

The older we get the more we see the perfection and the joy.