What an amazing weekend!!

At the very last minute the Keynote Speaker for the Ageless Living lecture was caught in traffic behind that huge fire on Highway 15 on his way from St. George, Utah to Los Angeles. I got the call at 5:05 p.m….. “You’re on, Ruby!! Show goes on at 7:00.” (Like understudy Ruby Keeler going on for the star.) Yikes! I had planned to spend the evening reviewing the training I would be doing the following day, Saturday… 3 segments: 15 minutes, 40 minutes and 40 minutes — the world premier of The Friendchise and The Law of Blooming. I was lounging behind my computer in my yoga clothes… but not for long. I packed the car with all my lecture stuff and hightailed it to the Westside Pavilion on Pico Blvd at Westwood Blvd. We had a SPECTACULAR time. The room was full… about 50 people. There was no time to be nervous. Steve Velez, the amazing cellist, played his amazing cello that was made in 1831… (talk about ageless). Then they insisted I sing “He’s Boring!” and we were off to a great start.

Ageless Living… life no longer has to be wasted on the young! The Science is here, guys! By the end everyone was so excited that nobody wanted to go home. Even the security guard trying to close the community room at the Westside Pavilion was enjoying himself. The all-day training on Saturday was a big hit. We focused mainly on the power of our thoughts and intention. How the Law of Attraction and quantum physics work. How we can align ourselves with those laws to create lives that we LOVE. (I love all that stuff.) It was a perfect time to share The Law of Blooming. It was also a perfect time to sing my version of the Sammy Davis song, “I Gotta Be Me” which I re-wrote to be: “I Hate To Be Me” — (“Why can’t I be Cher… who is that bitch in my underwear!”

We’ll be doing it again on August 3rd at my dear friend, Lori Hart’s, spa in Westwood. She is one of the leading experts in the world on skin and beauty and focuses on natural, non-surgical face lifts. We will be calling that one: “Ageless Beauty – Inside and Out.” Women need to know that they don’t need botox and fillers and surgery to be absolutely gorgeous… as a matter of fact, frequently those things muffle a woman’s true beauty. We will announce it when we’re up and running. In the meantime… now I finally get to start my Transformational Speaking career that includes SONGS. Ahhhh…. Life as a MUSICAL!! Stay young


Udana Talks About Her TV and Movie Career, Pt. 6

NOTE: This interview with Udana was conducted Spring, 2015. In this installment, publicist Bill Murphy (BM) and multi-talented Udana Power (UP), discuss Udana’s career from Knot’s Landing (1979-1993) up to the present day.

Screen Shot 2015-05-25 at 9.22.56 PMBM: Let’s talk about Knots Landing, 1990. You played a servant in an episode called, “Side by Side.” What do you remember about Knots Landing?

UP: Wow! I can’t remember a whole lot, actually. It wasn’t a big deal, it wasn’t a big role. There was one day maybe two days, I can’t remember, I just remember that I did it.

BM: Let’s see, yeah, in that episode, Servant. I wouldn’t imagine would be a terribly important role in your career. [Both laugh.]

UP: No, not a big one, no. Two days pay. The interesting thing about this profession is that there are wonderful actors who got into acting because the LOVE to act. Not just love to act, they devote their lives to the profession. They don’t care about money. It’s a passion. A calling. And the wake-up call is that they have to also make a living. That doesn’t matter much when you’re young. When you are young, everything is possible and you’re willing to do anything it takes to be one of the chosen 3% who make a living as actors, sleep on the floor, eat a half an apple a day, whatever. Then life happens along the way and if you are not subsidized by wealthy parents or a rich spouse, you learn that you have to make money. That’s a very rude awakening. That’s why I encourage actors and filmmakers of all kinds to become financially solvent and responsible at the very beginning. Before you come to Hollywood, have a business in place that will give you the flexibility and financial freedom to go on auditions as a profession – because, let’s face it, going on auditions is the actors’ life here in Los Angeles. Just getting the auditions and going on the auditions is all that you can be proactive about. Getting the job and doing the job are just the icing on the cake. So I work with actors and filmmakers to show them how to create that residual income on the side so that they are freed up to actually concentrate on their work, rather than stress about how to pay the bills. It’s important. Because when you go into an audition when you’re broke…well, it shows. You need to have a stable foundation to play in the A-Game here.

Screen Shot 2015-05-25 at 9.24.48 PMBM: Well, let’s go to the next one then. In Life Goes On you played in two episodes as a character named Kathy Gutman.

UP: Yes, that was wonderful. We spent about two weeks on that. It was at least two weeks – lots of overtime. Patti LuPone was the star and we were out on the back lot at Warner Brothers in Burbank playing neighborhood football. We were just a bunch of husbands and wives out in the park playing. My husband was playing on the opposing team and he pretended to get a heart attack. When he fell down clutching the ball, everyone panicked and ran over to him and then he jumped up and ran across the goal. It was only a trick. So later in the game he had a real heart attack and Continue reading

The Law of Blooming – NEW SITE!


I’m pleased and proud to share with you another adventure I’m on. I call it The Law of Blooming, and you can be part of it by visiting my new web site.

From the home page:

I feel like I’ve been dancing down the Yellow Brick Road all my life and finally arrived at my destination… and I’m right where I started from – but different. Much different. And the strange thing is (laughable, actually) that I always was who I am but it took a while to become.

This is a website about the nature of life. It’s all blooming. Including you. Including me.  Including your dog and your cat and the tree outside your window. Everything that is alive and organic is an access point to another dimension that is propelling itself through us as inevitably as flowers appear in the springtime.

There’s lots more to come. So please visit my new site often!

We’ll bloom together.

Oh, by the way, my new site doesn’t mean this one will go away. Nope. That’s just going to be another side of me that will bless you (and me, too) as I share with you insights and suggestions about how you can tap into this infinite power to grow…and to love.

Udana Talks About Her TV and Movie Career, Pt. 5

NOTE: This interview with Udana was conducted January, 2015. In this installment, publicist Bill Murphy (BM) and multi-talented Udana Power (UP), discuss Udana’s career from 1981 up through 1989, stopping just short of her appearance on Knot’s Landing.


BM: Let’s pick up where we left off last time. In our last interview we covered your stage work with Katharine Hepburn and your work with soaps, General Hospital and all of your commercial work.

UP: Yes, okay.

HighRiskBM: And that takes us up to – I know some of this stuff was going on at the same time, but as far as your movies and TV work go, 1981 was something called High Risk. Do you remember what that is? You are actually uncredited as Gail. How did you get uncredited for that?

UP: Oh, yes, that was a movie. What do you mean? How did I get uncredited?

BM: According to IMDB your name is Gail in it, but then in parenthesis it says uncredited right beside it.

UP: Hmmm…I have no idea.

BM: What is High Risk? I can see it’s four –

UP: High Risk is a movie. It’s on DVD. Bruce Davison was in it and James Brolin.

BM: James Brolin, Anthony Quinn, Lindsay Wagner, James Coburn. It’s a huge cast.

UP: Yes. They flew us down to Mexico. I was playing Bruce Davison’s wife. We shot in Mexico City. I had a day off and went to the pyramids of Teotihuacan and ran up to the top. I still have a little, marble frog I bought at a concession stand there. I am blown away that the production company flew me down there because all I had was one or two scenes. Bruce Davison was my husband and I was giving him a birthday party in our back yard. I didn’t go into the jungle and do all the adventure stuff with them.

It was a small role and, as you know, in the film business the slogan is “Hurry up and wait.” At one point I was stir crazy. Bruce is an amazing guy with a wonderful sense of humor. I knew him in Los Angeles. I think he’s Continue reading

“Ode to Valentine’s Day: Love First. Love Well. Love Often.”

NOTE: This is an article I wrote for Our Voices Magazine that I thought I’d share with you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


“Ode to Valentine’s Day: Love First. Love Well. Love Often.”
By Udana Power

Men don’t like Valentine’s Day. Did you know that?

And many times Valentine’s Day turns out traumatic for women… kind of because men hate it, get really confused and feel guilty because they are not sure how to do it right. So then they don’t do Valentine’s Day at all – or if they get grumpy – which annoys the woman, it can add enough strain to make the whole thing go south, even if you are both pretending to celebrate Valentine’s Day with a proper dinner. Arg!

I took a whole series of seminars from an amazing woman who teaches women and men how to understand and be happy with each other. It was one of the first things I treated myself to when I started making some money. I had to figure this guy-thing out.

Amongst the series of weekend lectures that I was ultimately happy to spend a ton of money for, I was SHOCKED to learn two things. Literally knock-me-over-with-a-feather shocked. Actually, the whole room of women I was with gasped when the trainer told us what I’m about to tell you.

At the time she made her statement, there was a group of men standing on the stage in front of us sharing their points of view with the room. (I thought I was listening to a foreign language being explained.) When the trainer spoke this pressing truth, the audience of women gasped with incredulity and the men stared in surprise. The statement was so obvious to them that they were baffled why we were so shocked.

What does all this have to do with Valentine’s Day? Everything. You’ll see.

Here is an approximation of what she said: Girls, put down your pen and paper. Sit there because I want you to get this. I have interviewed men for Continue reading

“Late For the Date”

Discovered this short (10-minute) movie in my archives not long ago and decided to share it with you.

It’s called “Late For the Date.”

I wrote it in 1988. It was directed by John Callas. It features Yours Truly as an increasingly agitated gal getting ready for an important date…and the guy is late arriving.

Sure, it’s a little silly. And it’s a teensy bit R-rated. But it was a lot of fun to do, and I’m proud of it to this day.

Hope you enjoy it.

My Kindle Book Is Now Available!

HBBCoverI just wanted to let you know that my Kindle book The Home-Based Business Revolution is now available on Amazon!

Many of us who are highly trained and have accomplished a lot in our lives have suddenly found ourselves in financial chaos. The world economy has changed dramatically. As we all search for answers to creating new revenue streams, we are being bombarded with home-based business offers from friends, family and strangers. It can be very confusing.

That’s why I’ve written this book—to help you see clearly the profound opportunity in front of you and how to avoid all the mistakes I made when I first learned about this industry and started my own home-based business.

I had been an actress and screenwriter all my professional career. I starred on Broadway opposite Katharine Hepburn, had my own series, got way-layed with an illness during my thirties and came back to get great reviews in a one woman show in my forties. I was successful artistically, but absolutely illiterate about money. I almost got married twice to fabulous men, but our lifestyles were very different. I had to figure this money thing out for myself. Darn!

I was down to my last 46 cents in the bank, odd-jobbing it from month to month and wondering how long my health could hold out under the stress, when I discovered network marketing. After a few false starts I stumbled into an amazing company that helped me to lose weight and regain my health. I got so passionate about the product and the business that I went on to create a six figure income in just over a year and then doubled that a year later.

I know what it’s like to sit at my desk alone till four in the morning, sobbing while jug- gling credit cards in order to pay the bills. I know what it’s like to go bankrupt. I know what it’s like to work very, very hard and not get paid. And I’ve learned what it’s like to work, get paid a lot and enjoy life. The last one is the best.

That’s what this book is about.

And you can buy the Kindle version of it here.

The Passing of Edward Herrmann

EdwardHerrmannI just found out that a dear friend passed away today from brain cancer. He was 71.

Ed Herrmann and I worked together in a movie called Portrait of a Stripper, which starred another dear friend, Lesley Ann Warren.

Ed was a dear, sweet man. A wonderful actor. I adored him.

In this blog entry I reminisced with my publicist Bill Murphy about Ed and my experience with him and other actors on the set of Portrait of Stripper:

UP: …Edward Herrmann was fabulous. What an actor. And so was Lesley. She was just fabulous. I watched the movie several times since we’ve been talking about this. And one of the things that shocked me was when we were getting ready we would go into the strip clubs. I’d never been to a strip club. We went into a strip club up on Sunset Boulevard for research. We wanted to know what this world was like for strippers. It was really interesting.

We talked to a couple of the strippers at the club on Sunset Strip. I remember that it was [gasp], you know, kinda scary, actually. That’s one of the things I love about Continue reading